Compound Interest Calculator can help you find out how much your investment can grow based on initial payment, compounding frequency, number of years, additional contribution and annual rate.
In finance, compound interest means the interest you earn every year is added to the principal so that your balance can grow at a very fast rate. You may use this concept to stay on top of your saving or retirement plans. It is never too late to start earning some real money!
Features included:
- Calculate future value of your investment using compound interest formula
- Multiple options for contribution frequency (monthly, quarterly, semiannually, annually)
- Display table view right under result
- Formulas included in case you forgot
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- 使用复利公式计算你的投资的未来价值
- 对贡献频率多选项(每月,每季度,每半年,每年一次)
- 右下结果显示表视图
- 包含在公式的情况下,你忘了